Small airports like where we were don't have air traffic control towers. And it was a popular touristy place hence the helicopters. They were able to physically see them all and they had them located on their computers. I trust these pilots completely and would fly with them any day of the week.
It makes me think about those people from last week's crash at Reagan airport. I just cannot believe that happened and I'm so sorry for them and all of their families. I hope the passengers and pilots on both aircraft didn't suffer at all.
Ugh! I know a car crash is still more likely but it is something about having more control over that situation. Still, crazy people all over the place. I do not want to fly on the same plane with Kevin unless all four of us are together. We have discussed this but I'll be discussing it with him more!
Be safe all!
My heart breaks for all of the families. My husband and I have the same plan in place - we don't fly together unless the kids are with us. I always feel a bit silly when it comes up with others, but you need to do what you are comfortable with!!