Monday, June 17, 2024


Camp tired! It was so great to see the kiddos on Friday! They were so tired but not as tired as I've seen them before so they must have slept at some point.

We got back to OIB on Friday afternoon just in time for a quick dinner and the concert. 

Kevin and I stayed up late on our back porch both nights this weekend. No idea why but we did!

Grady and I went for an almost 4 mile bike ride on Saturday morning. His puppy D came too...see his waist! So cute. 

Us and our friends all headed to the east end for a beach day. It was only the three families. We got poured on. Then later it started to storm so we rolled home. Still a great day!

We all were doing different things for dinner. We ended up at the Shake Shack for dinner. We had never been and it was delicious. Jamaican food. Wings were soooo good!

Didn't do much on Fathers Day then we headed back to Charlotte to have dinner with Kevin's fam for lots of occasions - Father's Day and birthdays! 

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