Monday, June 24, 2024

Wrightsville to see Lindsay

We arrived in Ocean Isle late Friday afternoon. Finally got my backyard flag pole hung. I had bought the wrong size flag for the pole. Had no clue that was a thing but duh! Haha. 

We went to watch Too Much Sylvia, beach music band up at the park. The kids and I biked up there. Kevin walked. Our golf cart is still with the guy fixing it and don't even get me started. He doesn't get back to me when he says he will and I'm ticked. He is never fixing it again!

My friend from college Suz was there!

Saturday morning Grady and I walked Mills to the beach. He hadn't gotten to play on the beach in awhile because of his open wound. So glad he could this time! 

Then we headed to Wrightsville Beach for the day on Saturday to see one of my oldest and bestest friends Lindsay! Her family was in town from Massachusetts. Lindsay grew up a few houses down from me. 

Us with our children!

And our friend Rachel was also there. They were all in town for a wedding!

We scooted back down to Ocean Isle and ended up at Oyster Rock for a later dinner. The waiter gave grady this handmade oyster shell because he downed a bunch of oysters and he had been waiting to give it to a child that loved oysters! A local lady had designed and made the inside of this oyster. So cool!

Sunday morning the kids and I went on a 4 mile bike ride then we headed back to Charlotte. We had Kevin's parents, brother and his girlfriend over for pizza to celebrate Molly Anne's birthday a bit early. Nana got her this amazing Oreo ice cream cake.

A ruby necklace for her birthstone!

Grady is so funny. Molly Anne the artist!

Here's to a new week. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Good Ones

I'm kinda excited about the finds this week. 4 basics and 1 fun dress. 

ONE - this $25 tank comes in a ton of colors and has the perfect flow and length. 

TWO - the highly rated, fun dress

THREE - the shorts I wear constantly. Now I buy a size up because someone in my house so kindly does laundry therefore these get dried sometimes by mistake. 

FOUR - I need to get this classic shirt

FIVE - I know these sweater tanks are in but the word sweater and 90 degrees doesn't work for me. This one looks super light and would be great with white jean shorts or white jeans for the evening. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yesterday At The Mall

Yesterday I had to go over to the mall at lunch because I had zero Merit blush left. I don't think I've ever gone through an entire blush container but I did this time. I didn't wear any on Monday because I just didn't get a new one timely. Anyway. 

While I was there, it had to have been every or every other lady I passed had a Louis Vouitton, Gucci or Chanel bag. Or the other one, Yves St Laurent or whatever.  I was like what in this world are we getting at to have to have a purse like that to carry around the mall?! I mean don't get me wrong, I love nice things but for some reason it was like every person I saw yesterday had one. 

I guess we all spend money differently right?! And that is okay. I'm just not really a "bag" or "shoes" lady. And we all have different reasons for wanting what we want. Some are good intentioned and some are not good intentioned. And some have no intentions. I don't know. I guess I could go buy one of those bags. Maybe I will one day to pass down to Molly Anne. Never say never. It just caught me yesterday like such a status symbol and bothered me for some reason. 

The lady that carries her Tory Burch crossbody with the emblem facing inwards. 

PS - now you know another reason why I love going to the beach. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


Camp tired! It was so great to see the kiddos on Friday! They were so tired but not as tired as I've seen them before so they must have slept at some point.

We got back to OIB on Friday afternoon just in time for a quick dinner and the concert. 

Kevin and I stayed up late on our back porch both nights this weekend. No idea why but we did!

Grady and I went for an almost 4 mile bike ride on Saturday morning. His puppy D came too...see his waist! So cute. 

Us and our friends all headed to the east end for a beach day. It was only the three families. We got poured on. Then later it started to storm so we rolled home. Still a great day!

We all were doing different things for dinner. We ended up at the Shake Shack for dinner. We had never been and it was delicious. Jamaican food. Wings were soooo good!

Didn't do much on Fathers Day then we headed back to Charlotte to have dinner with Kevin's fam for lots of occasions - Father's Day and birthdays! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Finds for the Day

ONE - this is one of those shirts that I had to order when I saw it. I actually had to put my email in to "notify when available" and that's how I got it! It is soooo cute. 

TWO - been loving these wide leg jeans

THREE - cute top

FOUR - ordered this top and love it for under $40. Nice for work and weekends. 

FIVE - these earrings are super cute. They dress up an otherwise outfit. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

OIB and MD

Before Kevin and I left OIB, we had sushi for dinner at OIFC on Sunday night. 

Freeman, Grady, Freeman. Not shabby!

View from a drink at Jinks!

Monday morning we drove back to Charlotte with our only child! Since Molly Anne and Grady weren't with us, he rode in the back. Usually he has to be as close to them as possible so he rides in the floor in front of them. I think he was a lot more comfortable. 

Monday afternoon I scooted over to Maryland to spend some time with my parents. It's such an easy flight. Mom and I have walked, I made some meals for them to have when I leave (will share soon), and we got her some new clothes. We also interviewed some caregivers to stay around with her and think we found a good fit! Doesn't she look good all nicely dressed?! 

We even got to go to Fratelli's for dinner. The chicken Alfredo is my very fav! Zero calories!

Talbots try on! Got her hair all done and everything this day. 

I'll be back in Charlotte tomorrow! Quick trip and thankful I can work wherever I am. Chat soon. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


These cuties got dropped off at Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer on Sunday for the week! We left from Ocean Isle early that morning. It was a 2:45 hour ride up there. Easy peasy!

My sister in law and niece met us up there. It's a special place to their family and I'm so glad to have had the inside info and help on getting them settled at each place!

We took Grady first because we knew he wouldn't have any issues saying goodbye to us! He was STOKED. He was playing basketball with a bunch of boys when we left. He's in Cabin ONE which means he is one of the youngest there! He didn't care. He was excited. 

We walked around the property. It is so gorgeous!

Then we left him and took Molly Anne over to Seafarer which is a few miles away but very close by boat. They won't see each other though. 

She is going to have the best week too! 

We have written them some letters but otherwise there isn't any communication unless something is big time wrong. We probably won't get mail from them in time because it's such a small post office and when Camp is in session it overwhelms them. We left our letters with the counselors for them to distribute each day. We can also email them and they print them out each day. 

It's going to be such a wonderful learning experience for them both. Big life lessons and freedom being taught in a controlled and FUN environment. I'm so thankful we were able to get in! 

Kevin and I returned to Ocean Isle last night and had dinner solo. Very weird to be there without them. That's never happened! We're back to the grind in Charlotte now. 

Talk soon!

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Before and After

I love a before and after. 

Here is me in all of my 'after shower glory.' I used my hair dryer for about 2 minutes running my hands through my wet hair and getting it about 80% dry, mostly at the roots. And then it looked like this....

And then I sectioned my hair off and after 8 minutes of using my new Dyson Airstrait, my hair looked like this. Wild right?

I could have kinda curled it under as I brought it down through my hair but I wanted to try straight!

A few things -
- dry your hair mostly. This thing is also a hair dryer but it's not super powerful for my thick hair. That's not why I bought this but it def could be a one stop shop for a trip!
- section your hair off if you have thick hair
- key is small chunks of hair at a time 
- run it through each chunk of hair twice. It's very fast. 
- the air has to be blowing down so when you do the back of your hair, you have to flip it over. 
- the air and lack of direct heat is soo good for your hair long term

Brush your hair afterwards and it'll be so soft. I didn't even put any product on it in this pic but I used some oil later. My hair is literally thick like horse hair and I need oil. 

Anyway, I'm pretty picky about hair stuff but this is a winner if you want to treat yourself, use some gift cards or add it to your wish list!