Molly Anne:
- 7 dresses
- 7 little shorts
- Hair brush and bows
- 5 bathing suits
- 4 pajamas
- Several cover ups
- 10 underwear
- 3 active outfits
- Running Shoes and 3 pairs of socks
- Natives
- Dressier flops
- 7 nice outfits - polos and shorts
- 5 bathing suits
- 4 pajamas
- 3-4 swim shirts
- 10 underwear
- 7 t-shirts
- Running Shoes and 3 socks
- Natives
- Hey Dudes
- Decadron - for croup. Always with us.
- Hat
- Should have packed him more shorts for during the days!
- Children's Chewable motrin, children's Benadryl, flonase, Zofran, Zyrtec, Culterelle tablets - oh yes I want to have anything and everything I need!
- Thermometer
- Sunscreen - one can or tube per day. I put a less than 4 ounce tube and a stick in carry on for day one.
- Craft stuff for plane - pipe cleaners were the biggest hit for both of them
- Books for MA - got her some new books at Barnes and Noble before we left
- Things for Grady to do on the plane
- Empty water bottles - we were so glad to have these. Fill them up after security at the airport!
- Wipes – 2 packs (must keep one in carry on)
- Headphones
- Snacks
- Packing cubes
- Tablets and chargers
- Phone charger
- iPad and charger
- Computer, notebook and charger
- Beach bag - flatten this and put at the bottom of a checked bag
- Sunglasses
- Booster seat
- Air tags - so thankful I had these in our checked luggage. Didn't want to spend the money but well worth it.
- Neck pillows - for any flight over 5 hours
- Children's Chewable motrin, children's Benadryl, flonase, Zofran, Zyrtec, Culterelle tablets - oh yes I want to have anything and everything I need!
- Thermometer
- Sunscreen - one can or tube per day. I put a less than 4 ounce tube and a stick in carry on for day one.
- Craft stuff for plane - pipe cleaners were the biggest hit for both of them
- Books for MA - got her some new books at Barnes and Noble before we left
- Things for Grady to do on the plane
- Empty water bottles - we were so glad to have these. Fill them up after security at the airport!
- Wipes – 2 packs (must keep one in carry on)
- Headphones
- Snacks
- Packing cubes
- Tablets and chargers
- Phone charger
- iPad and charger
- Computer, notebook and charger
- Beach bag - flatten this and put at the bottom of a checked bag
- Sunglasses
- Booster seat
- Air tags - so thankful I had these in our checked luggage. Didn't want to spend the money but well worth it.
- Neck pillows - for any flight over 5 hours
- 7 dresses
- 5 bathing suits
- 10 underwear include strapless bra
- 2 pajamas
- 3 cover ups
- 4 nice day outfits
- 4 workout outfits
- Running shoes and socks
- 7 dressy earrings
- Two pairs of TB flats - gold and tan
- New Matisse Beach wedges
- Straightening iron
- Curling iron
- Hair products - I use hair dryer and shampoo/conditioner where we go if it's a nice place
- Pool flops
- TB tan crossbody
- Lululemon crossbody - didn't use this
- Any meds
- Straightening iron
- Curling iron
- Hair products - I use hair dryer and shampoo/conditioner where we go if it's a nice place
- Pool flops
- TB tan crossbody
- Lululemon crossbody - didn't use this
- Any meds
- Makeup
- Sunglasses
- Sunglasses
Kevin does his own packing! ;)
I always love a good packing list! My oldest and I were traveling with my best friend and her two kiddos earlier this spring and I was BLOWN AWAY by her idea for packing "sundries". Instead of packing them in a pouch of toiletry bag, she used the inside zippered compartment of her suitcase and filled it with all of that sort of stuff - it kept it all pretty flat instead of taking up valuable space with a toiletry bag! I had never seen this before but thought it was a game changer!