Thursday, October 5, 2017

House Update - Cabinets

On my iPad today because I'm on the road. Blogger doesn't work well so sorry for the small pictures and lack of explanation.  Cabinets were put in on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and I'm obsessed.  They are wonderfully made and so pretty. We had them painted Benjamin Moore Decorators White and they were already the finished product when delivered.  It's really starting to feel like a house now!


  1. it looks so so so good!! i can't wait to see them in person (hopefully one day soon!) its really coming together so nicely!

  2. It looks gorgeous! That kitchen is absolutely stunning even halfway done!

  3. I know I already told you this last night, but I am loooooooving your kitchen so far!!!!! Hope you got up ok this morning! ;)

  4. Your new home is coming along beautifully! Love your choices and thank you for sharing!
