Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Five on Thursday

Dinner the other night.  I marinated chicken tenderloins in zesty Italian dressing then grilled them.  Put them over a chopped Caesar salad bag that I got from Wal-Mart.  If you haven't had that salad, you should try it!

Kid's dinner - chicken, apple sauce, carrot chips with hummus.  They both ate mostly all of it!

Random pictures I found on my phone from the little queenie!

pretty girl.

Blogger doesn't allow me to enlarge my iPhone photos anymore with their new website layout.  Anyone have any tips or tricks?  I don't like them this small!

How pretty is this asparagus fern that Molly Anne and I picked up from Pike’s Nursery?!  Ignore the water all over the table!

When we came out of Pike’s Nursery, my car wouldn’t start at all. It was completely dead.  Kevin came and rescued us and then we went to get Grady while we waited on the tow truck. We even had time to run home to take the kids, Kevin, and car seats from my car there. Then I went back and met the tow truck.  I’m hoping it’s just a battery but who knows. It’s a pretty new car and a Toyota so I was kinda surprised! Never a dull moment!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I just laughed out loud at the picture of all the stuffies. My camera roll is filled with similar pictures and some of the unicorns are the same ones we have!
