Monday, November 25, 2019

Pool Dip, Singing and Playing

I don't have a ton of pictures from this weekend but we had way too much fun.  Friday night hanging outside with neighbors.  

If you're wondering why my hair is wet, I had been dared to jump in the pool for weeks and on Friday night since it was 63 degrees outside (not 40) with a fire going, I figured it was the time to do it.  Yes, the pool was cold!  If you know me, you know you shouldn't dare me to do something because I'll probably do it if it's harmless!  Good memories friends!  YOLO!  No wine was included in the pool, but yes before and after haha! 

Saturday morning I took Grady bright and early to get his hair cut!  Don't worry, my parenting didn't suffer due to my dip in the pool haha!  I can't even remember what we did that afternoon except that we played inside because it rained all day long.  Saturday night we got some carryout for dinner and hung out.  I made mashed potatoes for my work Thanksgiving lunch today.  I made the pioneer woman's and she says you can make them a day or two prior to eating them.  I LOVE peeling potatoes...not!  But I do love the mashed potatoes! 

Sunday morning Molly Anne and I went to church to watch Maggie sing!  She did so well and was adorable!  The girls went to the preschool area while we were in the rest of the service.  

After church, Kevin and Grady met us over at our club for Sunday brunch.  We cruised back home for nap time and after that, some neighborhood friends that we had seen at the club that morning came over to play.  We ended up ordering pizza and eating in the driveway.  It was a fun way to end the weekend and begin the week!

Here's to a short week! 

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