Happy 70th Dad!
Let's all wish my Dad a Happy 70th birthday today! 70 is old! Dad, you've done so many things over the last 70 years. WHOA! You are incredibly admirable in so many ways. You're truly the BEST! If you meet anyone in our hometown, they'll know my Dad. He is involved in so many good things - he is constantly building wheelchair ramps and tables for different service projects, doing things for the church, participating in Rotary even as a past President. He takes care of my Mom. He is always helping friends and family with their computers. The other night he was working on our WiFi from 500 miles away. Dad loves his four grandchildren immensely and I think he probably likes them more than my brother and I haha! He always answer the phone when I call, always, no matter what he's in the middle of. He's an electrical engineer and geeky. He can fix anything. He always has a solution to a problem. He knows all of the Jeopardy answers. He'd do anything for anyone. He has two new hips. As you all know, he's a fantastic woodworker. He's my Dad.
And he's 70! 70 70 70 70 70 70!! He loves seeing the number 70!!! ;) Thank you Dad for everything! You are SEVENTY! See, I'm nice and spelled it out so you didn't have to see the number again! We love you!
Aww please tell your Dad we said Happy Birthday!!! 70 Years Young ;)