1. Yesterday I forgot to post a picture of my wreath. Technically (per the condo bylaws) I'm not supposed to have one but they don't walk the halls to check anymore like they did when the building opened! ;) The silver holder is monogrammed with my last name!

2. People always comment that they don't have time to blog. Let me tell yall, I'm all over the place these days....traveling every week, having something almost every week night, running 3-4 times a week and plans for every weekend until Thanksgiving. I get being busy. I like it though. I mean who wants to be bored all their life? And don't we as people function better when we are busy? I know I'm much more productive when I'm running rampade! Anyway, back to my original thought. I blog when I'm doing a few other things at the same time. That's why my posts aren't always perfect grammer or well thought out. But it's okay because at least I've done something and we have a "diary" of what we've been up to.
3. Last night I went out with 4 other gals (Kristen, Tara, Kelly and Lauren). We met at a park in Dilworth, walked around the lake then went to dinner Lebowski's. It really was a fun time and super spur of the moment. Aren't nights like that the best?
4. This weekend I'm looking forward to dinner at my friend's Kim and Jeff's home. I haven't seen their nautical nursery yet and I'm super excited! They are welcoming their lil boy in about 4-5 more weeks!
5. I met Kevin at a neighborhood place last night after I got back from dinner and we talked with the nicest man. This wasn't the first time we had met him but we really got to talk last night. His name is Larry. At first glance, Larry wouldn't be someone you would talk to. But never ever judge a book by its cover. Larry is an art teacher for grades K-5 and has a really big heart. We look forward to seeing him next time for sure. It's people like Larry that really touch you and teach you what life's about.
6. Going to try to get a longer run in tomorrow morning early. Yesterday I ran a quick 5k on the dreadmill in our workout room before work and it was awful. The run went ok but I just get SO bored. I had learned all there was about baseball and what had gone on the night before!
7. Cheers to it being Friday! I have had a ridiculous week at work. Lots going on and numerous deals closing. All good things but a bit stressful! ;)
8. Hope you all have a fabulousoooo weekend!