Thursday, October 29, 2020

My Kid’s Schedules at 2 and 5

Every now and then I like to write down the kid's schedules so I can remember this phase of life.  Here it goes...this is a school day!

6:30am - I wake Molly Anne up for school and she gets ready while I get Mills fed and taken out.
6:45am - she comes down to eat breakfast, I put lunch in her backpack and the backpack in the car, do her hair, make her go to the bathroom one last time etc. 
7am - we leave for school.  Grady is still asleep and stays with Kevin
7:10am - back from school and I wrap up things in the kitchen and get myself dressed.
7:15am - get Grady up and dressed, breakfast then we are off to school and work.
12:00pm - Grady naps at home at 12pm and he naps at school at 12:30pm.  It used to be 12 at school hence why I do it at home at 12 but these days it's anywhere from 12-12:30pm when he takes a nap.  He will sleep until 2:30/3.
2pm - pick Molly Anne up from school (no after school program right now!)
We grab Grady at some point in the afternoon, varies by the day.
5:15pm - dinner time at our house except on a couple of days with afterschool activities.
6pm - bath
6:30pm - school night bedtime is 6:30pm, other nights it's 7pm.

Molly Anne has basically stopped taking a nap at this point, but sometimes on the weekends I'll have her go to her room for quiet time. If she is tired from the week, I make her lay down and she falls asleep most times.  I can always tell by her behavior what she needs to do that day! ;)  Before school was four days a week and I needed to work, she'd go have quiet time in her room too.  That provided a lot of sanity for me! 

Anyway, that's where we stand now at ages 2.5 and 5!  We used to be a 7pm to 7am house but now it's on the earlier side with Molly Anne having to leave for school at 7am! 

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