Thursday, March 20, 2025

Cute Finds

ONE - my fav chill tank is 30% off. Wouldn't exercise in this but it's so comfortable. Always need another white one. My white shirts get so ucky!

TWO - love this dress so much. $178

THREE - I have these pants in black and navy for work but white is tempting for sure. Think elastic waist pants for work - whattt!!! Yes!

FOUR - a fun tee

FIVE - a classic dress

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Delish Protein Bowl

Well this was thrown together with inspo from my friend Nicole at @simplybalancesnutritionist on Instagram.

Here is what is in it:

lemon dill hummus
rotisserie chicken
cannellini beans
salt and pepper
top with garlic expressions dressing

should have added feta too!

So good and high in protein

Monday, March 17, 2025

St. Pattys Weekend

On Friday I got my hair done and got to see a dear friend of mine from college! Well sorta, I was very good friends with Steph's husband but I have known Steph that long too. It was so great to see she and her cutie girls who are so grown up now!

On Friday night Maggie had her birthday party at a game show place then dinner at Mellow Mushroom! So fun for the 14 girls! And she is eleven now - whoa!!

Saturday morning Hilary and I played in a tennis clinic and learned a bunch of strategy stuff. Super great workout too.

Then we all headed across the street for the famous St. Pattys party that our neighbors throw each year! Always very good times!

Kevin and I headed to downtown Waxhaw to check out that scene. It was a good time at Waxhaw Taphouse and Jekyll and Hyde. When we got home at 8:30 we ended up going back over to our neighbors. Prob shouldn't have had another miller lite at that point!

Sunday we were super lazy and really didn't do anything other than cook, laundry and sit on the couch. We did play outside some too.

Oh and I made a whole roasted chicken for the first time ever. My friends Nina and Ashley couldn't believe I had never made one so I used this recipe they suggested. It was good but a lot more effort than I have time for during the week! Then I made chicken stock with the leftovers using this recipe. Will be nice to have in the coming months.

I made the traditional St. Pattys dinner and our crew from next door came over for framily Sunday dinner. And these Lucky Charms bars were sooo good. Easy peasy.

Back on the road today. Chat soon friends.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Randoms on a Friday

Hello everyone! Did you catch my post yesterday about alllll of the cute things at Anthropologie right now?! Ahhh I've loved wearing all of the things.

I've been in Maryland this week checking in on my parents. I'm glad I went up there to see them. I hadn't seen them since Christmas and Mom has had a rough go of it lately.

I had a tennis match here in Charlotte earlier in the week before I left. It was my first one as a 3.0 and I played with my friend Kim. She's awesome and super nice to play with. We won!

I really want to make a festive treat for the kids this weekend. I bought my annual box of Lucky Charms and a bag of marshmallows. Thinking the easy Rice Krispie treats with the lucky charms cereal.

What have you all been up to this week? Any big plans for the weekend?

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Anthro Goodness

You know when you go into a store and you find allll of the things that work for you? That was me last Thursday during lunch and it was so needed. I hated my closet but now I feel so good about it! Here is what I scooped up and I'm so very excited about ALL of it!!

ONE - I've already worn this shirt and it's perfect. The length of it is perfect and flattering. Comes in white too.

TWO - speaking of jeans, these are the ones I wore with the blue shirt above. Will be a staple all Spring for me. Wear your regular size, don't go up because they're white. They stretch out. Not see through!

THREE - this top was out of the usual things I would have picked out but the lady in the dressing room had me try it on. Big win and very in!

FOUR - I picked up this super soft top in a dark purple in the store. It's only online in black but such a great basic with ruching on the side and the bubble sleeves. So cute.

FIVE - and my beloved Keira blouse is back but in short sleeve and a lighter material. So good for the summer. Cool and comfy but put together!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Breakfast Sandwiches

On Sunday I meal prepped and one thing I made for the week were these breakfast sandwiches. Super easy! Microwaved for 40 seconds and ta-da a healthy protein filled and clean breakfast for my little people!

  1. Dave's Bread rockin grains English muffins.
  2. Bacon - cooked thick cut bacon on a sheet pan at 400 degrees for 18 minutes. I've been doing this most Sundays and it's great to have for the week.
  3. Eggs - just cooked 6 eggs on a skillet.
  4. Sliced cheddar - added after the pic.
  5. Put them in a half sheet of parchment paper, into a gallon size bag and into the fridge for the week.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Low Key Weekend

On Friday, I went to lunch with Kellie and Hilary to celebrate Hilary's birthday. We always go to Postino for each of our birthdays and it's soooo good! The charcuterie...

Kevin picked the four kids up from school and we came home and ended up hanging out with everyone til 10:30pm! We ordered pizza and hung. I did take Grady to baseball in there as well!

The kids played their hearts out outside for hours then came in and watched some Yes Day movie. Of course they decided to make their own yes day list!

On Saturday we had a chill morning then we headed to the Bowl for the kids to play on the playground then lunch at Flower Child and then back to the playground. It was 72 and sunny. SO nice!

How many vehicles is too many?! Soo many scooters, bikes etc friends roaming the neighborhood. I love that they like hanging here!

Baseball again then we tried out a new restaurant Brooklyn Pizza Parlor near the ball fields. Grady loved the wings clearly haha!

We enjoyed having Mark with us for the afternoon. Mark is one of Kevin's oldest friends!

On Sunday I did a bunch of meal prep and the kids played with neighborhood friends then Grady had swim and we went to choir/church.

It was a nice little weekend! Hope yours was great.