Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Balance between work and children is an interesting thing in my little world, especially during the Summer when things are very different with what my kids are doing. 

This is our first Summer that I've had both kiddos. Prior years, Grady had still been in day care. So when trying to figure out what to do with them this year, I had to use my previous experience of driving all over creation in Charlotte every week for a different camp to know that I could not do that this year, times two kids.

I've also not always been the biggest fan of dropping them at a random all day camp. I want them to have some "home" and pool time and stuff like that. So I've always sort of split the difference.

For the last three Summers I've done 4 or 5 half day camps then had our summer babysitter pick up Molly Anne and keep her until late afternoon. And on weeks that she didn't have camps, they'd just do all kinds of fun things around town that they wanted to do.

This year they're only signed up for the one sleepaway camp they just did, one week of half day sports camp (Grady is baseball and MA is basketball) and a week of half day camp at their elementary school. The rest, I'm winging with our babysitter. 

I know the number of Summers with my kids are limited. I know Molly Anne isn't going to want to hang out with me a ton in the future. I know that she craves my time now. I also know that I have a full time job that is super demanding and I'm insanely busy with it right now. 

So, I'm trying to find balance. Also, coming off the heels of swim team season - oh boy, oh boy! What a commitment but it's super amazing for my little swimmers. 

Obviously my children are top priority. 

Oh the joys of a working Mom! 

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