Monday, June 10, 2024


These cuties got dropped off at Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer on Sunday for the week! We left from Ocean Isle early that morning. It was a 2:45 hour ride up there. Easy peasy!

My sister in law and niece met us up there. It's a special place to their family and I'm so glad to have had the inside info and help on getting them settled at each place!

We took Grady first because we knew he wouldn't have any issues saying goodbye to us! He was STOKED. He was playing basketball with a bunch of boys when we left. He's in Cabin ONE which means he is one of the youngest there! He didn't care. He was excited. 

We walked around the property. It is so gorgeous!

Then we left him and took Molly Anne over to Seafarer which is a few miles away but very close by boat. They won't see each other though. 

She is going to have the best week too! 

We have written them some letters but otherwise there isn't any communication unless something is big time wrong. We probably won't get mail from them in time because it's such a small post office and when Camp is in session it overwhelms them. We left our letters with the counselors for them to distribute each day. We can also email them and they print them out each day. 

It's going to be such a wonderful learning experience for them both. Big life lessons and freedom being taught in a controlled and FUN environment. I'm so thankful we were able to get in! 

Kevin and I returned to Ocean Isle last night and had dinner solo. Very weird to be there without them. That's never happened! We're back to the grind in Charlotte now. 

Talk soon!

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