Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rest of Beach

We had a nice time this past week at the beach. Here are some snapshots. 

Mills jumps right on the boat when it's at the dock. His leg burst again while we were at the beach so I'm healing that back together. It had just closed from last time. Ugh! 

Nannie and Grady at our street cookout on the 2nd. Love that our street does that every Fourth of July week! It's so great. 

Getting creative

Morning boat ride to 59 Causeway for breakfast. 

Also a sunset cruise one night as well!

Watching a hot dog eating contest with Poppa. 

Lots of Poppa pushing Grady on the swing. A LOT!

Dad grilled some grouper! It was too thick almost! 

Molly Anne's newest beauty products from her next door neighbors. 

My brother and his crew came up for a night and he brought crabs to steam. Yum!

Then Hilary and Drew hosted Beer Olympics. We do this every year that the real Olympics are happening and it's one of our favorite things to do at the beach. Each family is a different country and you bring food and drink for that country! We were Jamaica and we were going to bring Jamaican wings from this amazing place nearby but they weren't open when we needed them!! So we got them elsewhere. We also took plaintain chips and red stripe beer. 

The hosts are always USA. Ariel and Steve were France. Leah and Todd were Mexico. My brother and Emily were Bahamas. 

We played flip cup, beer pong, putt putt and corn hole! Ariel and Steve took home the trophy. 

It was a good time!

One night we went to Inlet View for dinner. It was good. Such a beautiful setting on the water. 

Live music 

Of course go karting!

Molly Anne and Grady did not want my parents to leave!! 

Talk soon friends. 

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