Monday, February 26, 2024

Night in Raleigh

On Friday after school we jumped in the car and headed to Raleigh to stay with my best friend from college! We had a grande time staying up chit chatting with she and her husband Brett. The kids had a field day playing together. 

Saturday morning we went over to NC State where I went to college and we drove around to check out campus. Molly Anne and Grady loved seeing it. I loved showing it to them. 

We stopped in the bookstore to buy some gear. Molly Anne got a pendant for her desk and a basketball. Grady got a football and a tshirt. 

We met up with Kelly and her family and walked through campus together. That's my old freshman dorm in the background. Lived there on the 9th floor. 

Free expression tunnel where Molly Anne pointed out every bad word and Grady had zero clue of any of it. 

We lived together for 3 years back in the day, we were each others maid/matron of honor in our weddings, been through ups and downs in each other's lives. She is always there. A good, solid friend!

That's Mann Hall where I suffered through civil engineering classes with a bunch of dudes and a few other ladies! It's under construction now and civil engineering is on the Centennial Campus. 

Jimmy V

We all scooted over to Baja Burrito for lunch. It's been there for 28 years now. It's exactly the same as when I was in school 2000-2005!

Then over to the NC State Men's basketball game versus Boston College. Kids had a blast!

We even got to go on the floor and take pictures. 

With Miss Wuf!

Grady got to meet the Grady who he is named after. Our Grady was always going to be a William the whole time I was pregnant up until the last few weeks when we really were thinking maybe not. Kelly was helping me think of strong names and she mentioned Grady who is her brother in law. I was like YES I love that name! And we had met Grady a bunch of times at that point and Kevin and I really liked him. So, now we have a Grady. It was cool having them meet!

He was a happy dude getting to see the game. He is VERY into watching football and basketball on TV. 

So much fun!

We drove back to Charlotte after the game. I ended up at urgent care with Molly Anne when we got back. She really felt crummy last week with head congestion, was sort of on the mend but after Saturday really felt worst. Ends up she had one and almost two ear infections. Antibiotics check check. Glad I took her so she could get a bunch of doses in before today. 

It's Sunday night as I'm writing this and I just took this picture. A big NC State weekend for this boy. Sleeping with his football and sticker still on his face. 

Both kids want to go to NC State now so mission accomplished hahaha! We shall see!!

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