Sunday, December 31, 2023

Random Pics from Christmas Break

Happy New Year!! It's a fresh start!

Here are some after Christmas pictures that I wanted to plop on the ole blog!

Long bike rides 

Mills took the prime rib bone right out of the microwave! I was heating it up to let him have it anyway but this was funny! Then he ran with it and I screamed at him!! He gave it back after I had to pry his mouth open. Then I held the bone and he chewed off of it. 

To the beach we went. The King!

Molly Anne got the genius square game for Christmas and she has loved it. Grady loves playing too! So good for their brains. 

Playing at the ocean isle playground!

We got to watch SpaceX take off. We had an awesome view from our back porch. 

You can see the booster just came off. 

Back to the playground with Mills this time. 

Riding Maggie and Greer's new scooter. Grady got on it and no one knew if he understood how to stop. So he was flying down their street straight to the canal. Oh boy. I sprinted after him and he was like I know how to stop. It was a circus!

Early morning walks on the beach. My fav. 

We took the dogs down to the east end to run around. They loved it!

Bourbon slushes 

And a driveway fire. 

Good times!


  1. So fun!!! We LOVE Genius Square!! Santa brought "Bloxus" too which has been a great addition to our game closet!!

    Love that Mills just took the bone straight from the micro!!

    1. Now Blokus is on our list - thank you for the rec!!
