Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Glass

Oh my gosh this piece of glass in our front door has made me CRAZY since early August. The inside of the double paned glass shattered coincidently when our cleaning ladies had been there. I'm not blaming them but it wasn't like that when we left that morning. They have cleaned our house since 2012 and they're wonderful. It was just an accident. 

ANYWAY. Since we built our house I knew the exact door and manufacturer. I had to order the glass from a company about an hour from our house and they had to get it from Raleigh. When it came in, I had to drive to get it. It was a huge heavy box for one small piece of glass! Then I had to find someone that had a lot of skill and was  able to replace it. Thankfully a friend's husband is super handy and was able to do it. And it got done last Friday. I'm SO happy that the saga is over!! We won't mention the time spent and the cost of it all. Home ownership is fun they say!!!

All fixed! 

1 comment:

  1. It looks lovely now but I'm sure it was a huge headache! A pane of glass in our sliding glass doors shattered a few years back and it was a nightmare to get replaced so I feel you!
