Monday, April 17, 2023

Spring Break - Part Two - OIB

Last Tuesday we drove back to Charlotte from Maryland. Wednesday morning we had a funeral then that afternoon after some work we both had to do, we headed to Ocean Isle. It’s always good to wake up there. So we gave the kids baths and hit the road. 

It was a gorgeous night to fish and hang out for a bit when we arrived. 

Thursday morning Grady and I ran some errands. And YES, the high noon tequilas are all delicious! I do not like any seltzers except high noon. The real stuff! 

Sam and Eloise took Kevin and Molly Anne about 5 miles off shore for some Spanish mackerel fishing! They had a blast!

We went with friends on the beach and then they joined us!

Dinner that night was at Hilary and Drew’s with a few families. Drew smoked bbq all day, Hilary made her famous company beans and I made Pioneer Woman Mac N Cheese and an oriental slaw that I need to share. 

Grady and Thomas had a theme of dressing alike every day, unplanned by their mamas! So glad these two will be together next school year. 

The mamas! Hilary, Lauren, me, Morgan! (Kevin loves broncos so I got this shirt to wear beach style) 

The cool dads! Sam, Drew, Kevin, baby Ben and Mark

Friday was another beach day!

We had everyone over for Mexican that night. 11 kids and 13 adults! Chaos but so fun!

Saturday morning when the water is glassy and you’re Mills getting to enjoy the day. 

Grady and I took a nap and went kayaking while Kevin took Molly Anne to the beach with everyone. 

The four of us went to Causeway Gourmet for dinner then to celebrate Drew’s birthday for a few! 

Sunday morning I was up early so I went for a walk. One of my fav things to do is to watch the sun rise. 

A spring break well spent. Grady said his favorite part was going to the Playland Arcade with Poppa in Ocean City! Molly Anne said her favorite was everything in Maryland! Awwwww! 

Now back to the grind. And what a grind it is. Talk soon friends. 

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome spring break! Can't wait for beach days to arrive!
