How far along? 36 weeks, due July 3.
Size of Baby: Head of Romaine Lettuce - over 6 pounds and 18.5" long
Gender: I have no idea! I change by the second.
Weight Gain: Still the same, no gain. Lost a couple since before I got pregnant. Baby is measuring perfectly. I'll continue to eat peanut butter out of the jar. ;)
Maternity Clothes: Regular clothes except maternity shorts. I wore my regular white dressy pants one day this week.
Nursery: We found Mills in the baby's room twice this week when we came home. We think he likes sleeping in there! ;) Nursery is done and our bags are packed and in there. I need to stick a few things in for Kevin too. Car seat bases are both installed in our cars. The police officer that taught us was incredibly kind and we learned a ton. Basically nothing should be on the car seat that was not made by Britax or whoever manufactured it. AKA - none of those comfy holder things or anything else. I highly recommend you googling where you can have your car seat checked. The latest is that more than 85% of car seats are installed wrong. PSA done.
Movement: The other night I was sitting in the den and that baby was moving like a crazy person haha. My stomach was rolling and it was so crazy. It jolted my whole body!
Symptoms: Hurts or feels crampy underneath my stomach. I actually had a false alarm on Monday night where I googled too much "how to tell if you are in labor" and "what are preterm labor signs" which caused us to call the nurse but she told me to just chill and hang out that night (hard for me to stay still in bed but I did). I'm looking forward to getting checked at the doc on Friday. Kevin was so cute - he was home in an instant from me telling him I was worried and he called the nurse.
Sleep: Still up a couple times. I sleep SO hard though in between. Rolling over is an act of congress.
Cravings: Just a lil chocolate or piece of cake or something. I'm not a big chocolate fan but I'm not going to lie - a small candy bar would be good. But not doing it! My blood sugar would freak even though I wouldn't feel any different!
What I Miss: An ice cold Miller Lite! 4 weeks...or less or more!
Best Moment This Week: Finally feeling ready. Now that it's June, it's go time in my world. I want this party of 3 plus Mills to get started!
Looking Forward to: Doc appointment tomorrow! Always reassuring.
Yay for the final countdown!!!! Baby is coming soon!