Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Breakfast Sandwiches

On Sunday I meal prepped and one thing I made for the week were these breakfast sandwiches. Super easy! Microwaved for 40 seconds and ta-da a healthy protein filled and clean breakfast for my little people!

  1. Dave's Bread rockin grains English muffins.
  2. Bacon - cooked thick cut bacon on a sheet pan at 400 degrees for 18 minutes. I've been doing this most Sundays and it's great to have for the week.
  3. Eggs - just cooked 6 eggs on a skillet.
  4. Sliced cheddar - added after the pic.
  5. Put them in a half sheet of parchment paper, into a gallon size bag and into the fridge for the week.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Low Key Weekend

On Friday, I went to lunch with Kellie and Hilary to celebrate Hilary's birthday. We always go to Postino for each of our birthdays and it's soooo good! The charcuterie...

Kevin picked the four kids up from school and we came home and ended up hanging out with everyone til 10:30pm! We ordered pizza and hung. I did take Grady to baseball in there as well!

The kids played their hearts out outside for hours then came in and watched some Yes Day movie. Of course they decided to make their own yes day list!

On Saturday we had a chill morning then we headed to the Bowl for the kids to play on the playground then lunch at Flower Child and then back to the playground. It was 72 and sunny. SO nice!

How many vehicles is too many?! Soo many scooters, bikes etc friends roaming the neighborhood. I love that they like hanging here!

Baseball again then we tried out a new restaurant Brooklyn Pizza Parlor near the ball fields. Grady loved the wings clearly haha!

We enjoyed having Mark with us for the afternoon. Mark is one of Kevin's oldest friends!

On Sunday I did a bunch of meal prep and the kids played with neighborhood friends then Grady had swim and we went to choir/church.

It was a nice little weekend! Hope yours was great.

Friday, March 7, 2025


Hello friends!

It has been a decent week around here. Here are some randoms for you:

I fixed our dishwasher last week (it was leaking!) and so far so good. One evening I read about it on Reddit and figured it out. I ordered the new part from Wal-Mart in case I needed to return it and ta-da, it worked. So yep I'm a dishwasher repair girl now!

One of the better things I've done recently is move Grady's swim class to late Sunday afternoon. He recently moved levels up and there was a new class open and I figured I would try it it was sooo much easier to get to and from with zero traffic and I don't have to rush home from work to take him. Big win!

Both kids had dermatology appointments on Tuesday on the teacher work day. Trying to get rid of molluscum! Soooo over it! Grady was the original culprit last summer and gave it to Molly Anne. He got rid of it and now his is back. Grrrr!

I went to Anthropologie yesterday at lunch and scored so many adorable finds!!! I can't wait to share! Rarely do I go into a store and spend the time trying things on so this was a big treat.

Happy Friday to all! Any big plans? We are on the baseball field most of the weekend!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fresh Finds

Here are my five finds this week!

ONE - This headband is so pretty. I ordered it yesterday! Will jazz any plain outfit up. Comes in champagne color too.

TWO - I know I talked about this shirt a lot last year but that's because I got it in black and wore it SO much. I feel put together when I have it on and it is easy launder - wash then hang to dry and it's perfect. White may be in my future.

THREE - and yes loving my new bag. Now that I eliminated all of the junk I used to carry around and just leave it in my car, I'm so much faster in and out and my back hurts less! I've worn it to tennis practice and to church with a nice dress, so versatile.

FOUR - an easy white tee to refresh for the summer. Tuck into a patterned skirt and so cute.

FIVE - my tennis friend was wearing this gold bracelet and it was simply beautiful on her. Pricey but maybe a good gift to add to your 'would like' list?! Do you keep a list? I do and love it!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Meals This Week and Baked Potatoes

Meals for this week:

Sunday - baked potatoes with butter, cheddar cheese, chopped bacon, green onions, sour cream and rotisserie chicken with sweet baby rays bbq sauce on it. Sooo easy and my kids loved it!

Monday - tilapia fish tacos with this recipe

Tuesday - pork chops in the air fryer seasoned with char crust (via Amazon), steamed broccoli and the box of scalloped potatoes

Wednesday - chicken fajitas (sheet pan chicken tenderloins with onion, red yellow and orange peppers and fajita seasoning)

Thursday - make your own pizza night. I got a few mini pizza crusts and they can use leftover veggies and meat to make their pizzas.

Monday, March 3, 2025


Well, it was a good weekend! Hope yours was too!

I got to be Grady's mystery reader on Thursday. He lights up when I walk in. Love it! I read the book shown below The Book With No Pictures that they loved and If I Built A School which was cute too.

Thursday night I drove to Columbia, SC for a friends dads visitation. After Kevin's mom died, I saw how much it meant to us to either have friends there, friends send things or send supportive texts. I was able to be there and I'm so glad. I got carry out at Cantina 76 for dinner because I was short on time. So good!

getting back was a little challenging as I-77 closed. I navigated around and got home only 20 min later. Glad I had stopped to get gas!

Grady had his first baseball practice on Friday night for the season. He loves it!

Saturday morning I played tennis then we all went on a walk. Sorta, more like a ride! Yes, Grady had baseball again.

Getting her started early. She's a good driver already!


Saturday night we went out for a birthday to Catalina again. Sooooo good!

Sunday the kiddos performed at church!

We had some friends over that afternoon for the kids to play with. All good!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Cute Finds

I had a bit of time on Monday night this week so I was able to find some extra cute things.

ONE - a fun St. Patty's shirt that I ordered

TWO - going to try these ivory sailor jeans. $53

THREE - any time I see a good quality dress that is versatile for work, fun, classy event, work dinner etc, I try to grab it. That way when I need a nice dress, I have it. Isn't that how it works? Whenever you have an event you're looking for something, you can never find it? I've learned to grab one when you can. And especially under $200. 

FOUR - this top caught my eye. 

FIVE - tennis season is almost here. I may have to try out this new lightweight skirt

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Meals Lately

Thought I'd share some recent meals in case you need any inspo! I only do quick meals or things I can make ahead of time!

Creamy Chicken Noodle soup - put this in the crockpot about 6:30am and it was delish when I got home. 

Egg Roll In A Bowl - haven't made this in awhile so this is on my list this week

Chicken Fajitas - red yellow orange peppers and chicken sheet pan dinner. Easy and kids love it. 

Shrimp Alfredo - using protein barilla noodles and Rao's Alfredo sauce. Will add broccoli too. 

I made burgers last night on the grill and served with butter beans from the freezer and leftover tater tots. 

I also have salmon on my radar for this week. The kids (mainly Molly Anne) have loved doing "make your own" salmon bowls! Rice, salmon, cucumber, roasted broccoli, special sauce (mayo and siracha), edamame etc

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Out and Hunting

On Friday night we went out to celebrate Kevin and Hilary's birthdays at Catalina in the Elizabeth area. It was DELICIOUS. The eggs below were unreal good. Hilary and I just split a bunch of appetizers.  

They gave Kevin this funny pillow with an old picture of me and my clarinet. It was funnier than the pic leads anyone to believe. It was hilarious. 

Saturday morning Grady had his last basketball game. He loved playing basketball this season! I loved helping coach both his and Molly Anne's teams. 

After his game, I set out on a little hunting adventure with friends at a club in South Carolina. It was "fancy hunting" as I call it! Super nice place. We blew some explosives up with a machine gun. We did five stand with clays. We went hog hunting. And the second day we hunted quail. Whew, I learned so much! It was awesome. Very out of my comfort zone but very good to do that every now and then!

In our hog hunting stand. We stayed there for two hours and only saw two deer. Not deer season so didn't bother them! Our buddy got 4 hogs so I held one with a little liquid courage when we got back. 

It was a great time - a wonderful dinner, some dice and card games, fireside conversations, just all around good stuff with good friends. 

The quail from day 2!

I haven't really gone away for fun on the weekend by myself in a longgggg time. Like since I've had the kids I think. So this was a welcomed treat! 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Last Day in Baha Mar

Sunday was our last full day as we were scooting out pretty early on Monday. We used Sunday to basically do anything that the kids wanted to do again - more waterpark, more of certain pools, some beach. Also she wanted to get her hair braided. 

And Grady got a necklace ahhh! 

She made a mama and baby sea turtle and Grady built a barrier so the tide that was coming in wouldn't ruin it!

Cutie girlie

Looking right off our balcony - where I really wanted to be!

The last night we had dinner at Costa which is the fancy Mexican restaurant at Rosewood. It was stunning! Pineapple daiquiris of course. 

You sit in these cute open air buildings surrounded by koi ponds. 

The last one is where we sat. It was cool!

Walking back through Rosewood we met the nicest guy who couldn't have been kinder! These two LOVED talking to him. He gave us all hats and me a Bahamas bag. Soooo sweet. He was part of the concierge team there. 

The landscape at Rosewood was out of this world. Truly stunning. 

Watching the fountain show one last time!

Monday morning departure

Homework at the airport

It was a great trip. I think we are good on the big resorts for awhile. It got so crowded as Presidents weekend went on. Kinda made me crazy because people were everywhere! 

Yes it was super expensive for food and drink. It wasn't terrible overall for the five days but it wasn't cheap. We were reasonable about what we ordered though. 

I'm SO glad my kids can swim so well. It makes trips like this so much more enjoyable as I don't stress as much. Makes all of those weekly swim lessons worth it over the last 9 years! 

Molly Anne and Grady LOVED it. We chose this place mainly because of the waterpark and lots of pools. The beach by itself is semi boring to them which sounds ridiculous but is kind of true because of the convenience of Ocean Isle. 

Anyway, glad we did it. We are in park for awhile but thankful for the sunshine and 80 degrees in February as a big, big treat for Kevin's big birthday!