Friday, January 26, 2024

Five on Friday

ONE - Grady's immunologist recommended this Flonase. She said it works better and you don't taste it as it goes down. I picked it up at Target this week so fingers crossed!

TWO - these are the items that count for plant points that I was talking about a week or two ago. We like to have fun with it! 

THREE - had this wrap from Jimmy John's as a drove from my office to an ophthalmology appointment one day this week. It's soooo good and a tad spicy! 

Was at the airport on Tuesday about to scan my boarding pass to get onto the plane when the elementary school called. Grady had a fever. I turned right around and practically ran to my car. Thankful for an understanding company and cool people around me! Grady > Work Trip 

Grady has honestly been fine thankfully but when he had to be home on Wednesday, while Molly Anne was at school...he asked, "how much longer until she is home" about 100 times. Like literally every 30 minutes he asked me. Isn't that the cutest thing ever? I love them together. They are TIGHT and I am so thankful. 

SIX - 
Fitting it in...sometimes I have three visitors but it got done. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Plant Points - we are going to start doing it!!

    Hope Grady is feeling better! Enjoy the weekend!
