Wednesday, December 6, 2023

We Are The Moms

You know one thing that my friend Hilary and I have been talking about recently? We are the Moms now. And I know that sounds funny but the older we get, we are the ones doing all of the things. We are the ones responsible for it all. 

I guess you could say this has been the case for 8 years since Molly Anne was born. My Mom was still involved with some things then and she really isn't at all now. Sad but true! It isn't because she doesn't want to but it's because she can't. And that's the realization I've had to accept! 

All of the traditions.

All of the family fudge making.

All of the gifts for everyone.

All of the decor. 

All of the old recipes and fun meals. 

All of the events and things to do.

I'm the Mom. And I'm good with it. But in some ways it's very sad! But it's good too because this is what my children will remember!  I hope they remember the days of doing some of it with my Mom too. 

Okay, I'll stop now. 

Go make memories with your Mom if you have her or with your children or with your friends! 

These are the days and we are the Moms!

1 comment:

  1. So true - we are the ones doing all the things, it can make me a bit sad if I think on that too much, but I like to think it's nice for our Moms to be able to relax a bit more and just enjoy the season!
