Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How Work Has Been

Well let me go ahead and be straight up: it hasn't been easy!  I'm on week four.

The first week was good.  I was in town all week and I left around 3pm most days to go pick up my girl. It felt good to be back with my second family and doing something I love and is challenging to me.

The second week, I traveled. I did a day trip and also an overnight.  I didn't leave until a 10:30pm flight so I could put her to bed but I still hated being away.  Wine helped me stay sane for that first night away. ;)  Also the second week, I found out more information about her neck and flat head.  I immediately wanted to be in control of her daily (doing all of her exercises and holding her all of the time versus in a swing or something) but i realized I had no choice and had to rely on someone else.  Now since then, Becky has done an amazing job with her and she never puts her down for long periods of time and does all of her exercises. This is evident by the physical therapist seeing so much progression. But it was still hard for me to release control of a medical thing to someone else.  I'm fine with it now and extremely thankful to Becky for continuing to be really conscious of it. 

Week three, I was home all week but officially back in the swing and very busy.  Everyone knew I was back so my phone was off the hook.  I started to realize that not working the kind of hours I used to work will make it more difficult but I can still get it done.  I just have to prioritize....more than I did before which would be interesting.  I already prioritized. But ok this is new. And this will be my new normal.  

Week four is happening now. I'm currently on a plane writing this to publish tomorrow.  I did a day trip Monday and a day trip today (Tuesday).  Day trips are wonderful because you get to be home in your own bed but they're long, very long.  And back to back days this week, whew.  I will have seen Molly Anne a total of three hours in two days.  And I miss her like crazy.  

I realize there are a lot of women in this world that work and raise children.  I think everyone deals with it differently. I'm still learning.  I'm learning how to be wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, employee and friend all at once.  I think I'll always be learning.  I'll be learning how to prioritize in my daily workload at work but also in my social calendar and family time.  Suddenly your priorities change when you have children and I still want to do it all.  I need to be easy on myself because that's not humanly possible. So I'm going to have to give up social events and focus on my main squeeze and our baby doll and then work!  I'm totally fine with that!  It's what I prefer to be honest. But that doesn't make it any easier to say no to things with friends!

Working in general has been really good for me. I don't want people to think it hasn't.  It's my choice to work and I think it's been positive.  Plus, I love who I work with and what I do.  They are all amazing and tell me to be mom first then work.  So nice.  

So, I'm still a work in progress on this working mom thing.  I'll report back in as the months go by.  I think we all have to support each other through this sort of thing.  And take it day by day.  


  1. It sounds like you know what you want and you have a great work environment. I can't even imagine how hard it is to leave Molly Anne right now but you have an amazing support team. Also I love all of her expressions in these photos!

  2. She is so adorable. Sounds like you are gonna really rock the working mom role. It's not for everyone, and truthfully, that spurs me on when I start to get down on myself. Best wishes as you navigate your new normal ;)

  3. Bless you a million times over! Working moms (my mom still) are my heroes! Just know you're setting a really good & powerful example for her & your friends understand & love you no matter if you say 'no' occasionally or not!

  4. It's hard juggling everything when you are a working mom. When my girls were little I was an OR nurse and had to take call. That was hard but, I can't imagine having to travel out of town. So nice that your work family has the same priorities that you do! She is such a cutie, love those expressions. I'm glad that she's doing so well with her PT!

  5. Being a working mom cannot be easy. I mean, I can barely juggle having a dog and a fiance :) But, you seem to be doing an awesome job! Molly Anne is happy and healthy! Plus, you are showing her that her mom kicks ass!

  6. " They are all amazing and tell me to be mom first then work. So nice." I think that's the struggle.. When you only see the baby 3 hours in 2 days it just doesn't feel like, nor can you realistically be, mom first! Good will make it. Brace only gets harder when you miss some of her "firsts" when you might be at work. You are a great mom!

  7. It sounds like you are making it work! I really admire you for balancing everything.
