Friday, October 23, 2015

Five on Friday

1.  My niece had to write about her favorite trip.  She wrote about coming to meet Molly Anne for the first time.  She also got my moms old iPad last weekend so now she can text and FaceTime family.  We get to chat most afternoons now.  I love it! 

2.  Mills went with me to pick up Molly Anne on Wednesday!

3.  Yes he's been getting just as much attention! ;)  He's very tired these days. He thinks he is Molly Anne's parent and he is obsessed with being near her 24/7. It's adorable.  

4.  Bumbo sitting while we have dinner.  Working on her neck getting strong still.  Update on that: physical therapy is helping SO much.  Amy her therapist is really impressed by how much she has progressed.  We work on her exercises every day at home.  We are determined to get her strong whether that means a helmet or not!  Still have to fix those neck muscles from being inside of me for 9 months (torticollis).  

5.  This babydoll still has the crud.  We hope she gets better soon. She's still just as smiley as ever!

Happy Friday!!


  1. Sorry for the crud! I love that Anna Kate wrote about meeting Molly Anne! Have a great weekend filled with lots of family time.

  2. Mills is such a good big brother! I'm glad Molly Anne is doing well with her therapy. She is so cute, I love her "fuzzy baby duck" hair. (That's what we call it in our family) And what a sweet niece!
