Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week 27 Pregnancy Journal

How far along? 27 weeks - holy cow I made it 6 months and have 3 months left to go!  CRAZY!

Size of Baby: Head of Cauliflower - 14.5"

Gender: Not finding out!  We need to get on with finalizing the boy name!

Weight Gain:  3 pounds.  I talked to the doctor about this yesterday and he isn't concerned one bit.  He actually measured my belly and said I'm tracking perfectly.  If he isn't worried, I'm not worried!

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my normal clothes for now.  I did get a couple tees from Gap this week but I need to get bigger before I wear them.  

Nursery:  Kevin put the crib up last week and that was very fun!  He also got the car seat out and I put the adapter on the stroller to make sure all that worked and it did.  Becoming real!

Movement: All the time which is crazy cool!

Symptoms:  Ribs...the flights are killing me!

Sleep: Good and I could definitely sleep for 10 hours a night every night.  

Cravings:  I'm into sweets for breakfast these days.  When Kevin and I occasionally go out on the weekends for breakfast, I used to always get eggs or something like that.  Now, it's french toast.  I used to be OBSESSED with eggs and honestly I haven't really eaten many at all since November which is odd for me.

What I Miss:  Honestly I don't really miss anything.  I hardly remember what life was like with cocktails which is insane, I do realize.  I had sushi last week with the girls that was flash fried which made it fine so I mean really what else is there to miss?

Best Moment This Week:  My doctor's appointment yesterday was really reassuring.  I always go in there with a list of questions on my phone as I think of them over the weeks so I love getting those answered.  Kevin won a trip through his work that I asked about yesterday and the doc told me I could most likely go.  I was happy about that.  He also said certain things I've been feeling are when I run Mills down the street it has started to hurt on the lower part of my stomach...he said that's normal and to just stop doing whatever I'm doing.  He liked that I was doing low impact flywheel still.  He still said keep exercising and no restrictions on lifting my suitcase! 

Looking Forward To:  Our anniversary this weekend - dating (Friday) and marriage (Monday)!


  1. Happy 27 weeks! It's flying by - and you are looking great girl. Sounds like that baby is enjoying snuggling under your ribs and making room. haha Can't wait to see pics of the crib up!

  2. Wow time is flying by! Glad everything is going well.

  3. Happy early anniversaries! I love going to the doctor and getting the reassurance that everything is normal. There is one place in Columbia that has flash fried sushi and I really need to go try it out. While I don't feel comfortable eating the raw stuff I think the fried is fine.

  4. You look great girlfriend! I'm sorry traveling is so's already uncomfortable as it is so I can imagine those flights feel extra long. And yay for the good news that you'll be able to accompany Kevin on a fu. Trip!

  5. You look great! Happy Anniversary, enjoy your weekend!
