On Friday night, Kevin and I went to dinner with his parents at their club. We had a great time, as usual. Our dinners with them always last a few hours because we just talk and talk!
Early Saturday morning we headed to Raleigh for a quick trip. It just so happened that my sister in law (Emily) and my niece (Anna Kate) were going to be at Emily's parents for the weekend!
And yall know I take every opportunity to hang out with this cutie!!!
A special moment I want to remember: we were in the kitchen and I leaned down and talking to Anna Kate for a few minutes. I told her I missed her and she said, "I miss you too." Precious.
She and Kevin take the most adorable pictures. She just LOVES him! In fact, she made him a lil Valentine and gave it to him. He claims that is going on his desk right when he gets to work!
We visited with them for a few hours on Saturday afternoon before I had to go to a baby shower for my friend Beth. This is Emily and I in our matching Christmas sweaters haha (thanks Mama!).
The baby shower was at 4 so we quickly went to my friend Kelly's house to change and I left Kevin there with her husband, Brett. They ended up hearing that some of the other guys (whose girls were at the shower) were hanging out so they went and did that.
The shower was wonderful! I got to see my roommate, Lara (who I have always called "Rooms") and I hadn't seen her in almost 5 years. Hello way too long. She is the one on the left with the necklace in the blow picture. Katie is on the right. Another one of our sorority sisters!
Susan, Beth (the lady of the day!) and Lindsey!
Beth's twin sister Kate put together a hilarious slide show. She is on the far right of this picture.
All the Chi O's! L to R: me, Katie, Cheryl, Suz, Beth, Lara, Kelly, Kara, Rhiannon
Cheryl and I. Fun fact about her! She and her hubby just got their pilots licenses! How fun is that?
After the shower, we met up with the guys and went to an old favorite in Raleigh called El Rodeo. We went there all the time in school so it just fit!
Sunday morning we got up and went to church at Edenton Street United Methodist in downtown Raleigh. This church is special because it's where my brother and Emily got married and it's also where Kelly and Brett got married.
Thanks Blogger for not allowing the picture to be posted correctly! |
So I got to see Anna Kate again and we sat with her at church. She was so cute....we held hands walking up the aisle.
After church we briefly drove around NC State so I could show Kevin my old stomping grounds. Of course I couldn't leave out a visit to show him our Chi O house!
We quickly left Raleigh because we had a ton of things to do last night and wanted to make a few stops on the way home. Those ended up being really fun and I'll post about those this week!
And it's Monday....!