I got up super early to drive to Raleigh on Saturday morning so I could see my nieces! They were staying with my SIL's parents while my brother and SIL were in Nashville enjoying an anniversary weekend!
I loved every second of those 2.5 hours! My goodness I wish I lived closer to them.
Sarah is literally the happiest baby I've ever seen. She does not cry. And she smiles all.the.time. Doesn't she look like a doll baby?! So precious!
Anna Kate and I played with my SIL's barbies from when she was a little girl. Then it was ESSENTIAL that we go to Taaaarrrrrget to look for a Ken to go with Barbie. We might have gotten a little distracted there and picked out lots of other fun things...including: a dog she named Cathy, a hot pink ball, a small baby she named Anna to give to Sarah, some thing you mold shapes with and sparkly sandals! Everything in Taaaarrrget was "cute." EVERYTHING! Girl has got style yall!
We enjoyed our time together and she knows just who to take to Target! ;) How could I say no to her?!!!!!